You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

Does CTS offer housing?
No. But affordable housing is plentiful in Northwest Arkansas and we can help steer you toward options. We can also connect you with other students looking for housemates in order to share costs.
Does the full-tuition scholarship cover everything?
No. Students will be expected to purchase their own books for class and to raise funds for the two mission trips that will occur over your two years with us. The cost of the mission trips in total is: $4,040. We will work with you during your first semester, teaching you best practices for mission trip fund raising.
Can I pick and choose the classes I want to take?
Our Two-Year Pathway is designed to function as a cohort model. All students entering the seminary in a given year will move through the program together at the same pace, taking the same classes each term. The order of classes has been designed for maximum learning and variety of experience.
Do women take the same courses as men?
Yes (and no). Yes, women take all the same courses as, and with, their male counterparts. There is one exception. Instead of taking Biblical Exposition and Preaching, we have designed a unique course for women called Biblical Exposition and Teaching. We recognize that men and women are created different by God and each has their own unique calling and opportunities within the church and on the mission field.
Can I work while attending seminary?
Yes. In fact, all students will need to work a part-time job in order to cover living expenses. In addition to two mornings a week in class, students will also serve part time as resident ministers on the staff team of Cross Church. But all of this will leave plenty of time to work a part-time job.
If I’m on staff at another church, can I still attend CTS?
Yes. The “resident minister” component of the CTS experience can be fulfilled at your current place of service.
Does CTS offer online classes or degrees?
No. We are a fully residential experience.
Can I pick which campus I am assigned to and who will be my ministry mentor?
Short answer is no. But during the application process one of our team members will explore best assignment options for your specific calling to ministry.
Is CTS accredited?
Cross Theological Seminary is committed to full accreditation. We are currently pursuing accreditation with a Christian accrediting agency authorized by the United States Department of Education. Check back to this page for updated information on the accreditation process.